How to Ride and Store Your Electric Motorcycle in Winter

Riding a motorcycle in winter can be difficult due to icy roads, freezing temperatures, and poor visibility caused by rain, snow, or fog.

Despite the challenges, it’s possible to ride your electric two-wheeler during the winter season if you take proper precautions: prepare your motorcycle for winter conditions, dress in cold-weather clothing, and stay off snow-packed or frosty streets.

But you can also winterize your electric motorcycle if you prefer not to ride in colder temperatures.

This article covers helpful tips for electric winter motorcycle riding and storage, including how to:

  • Accessorize your motorcycle for the colder season
  • Ride safely (and legally!) in winter conditions
  • Care for your bike during the winter months
  • Get your electric motorcycle ready for storage
  • De-winterize in spring to get back on the road

Riding Your Electric Motorcycle in Winter

1. Should You Ride Your Electric Motorcycle in Winter?

Yes, as long as you prepare for the weather and comply with local laws and regulations.

Some countries mandate winter tires. Others only require them in specific weather conditions like snow, ice, or slush-covered roads. And others ban mopeds on icy and snowy roads. That’s why you’ll always need to check the local legal norms (which are subject to change!) before riding your electric two-wheeler during the winter season.

A few suggestions for those who plan to ride their electric motorcycle in winter:

  • Check weather forecasts, road conditions, and local regulations before hitting the road.
  • Make sure your motorcycle is well-equipped and accessorized for winter weather.
  • Keep your headlights on even during the day for better road visibility.
  • Stay off snowy, icy, and slushy roads, as well as uneven paths, as they may hide dangers.
  • Ride at a slow and cautious pace to prevent collisions, falls, and injuries.

2. Will Cold Temperatures Damage Your Electric Motorcycle?

Frigid weather can affect the performance of lithium-ion batteries, causing a slight decrease in range and charging capabilities.

You’ll likely need to charge the batteries a bit more frequently during winter. But avoid charging when temperatures dip below 0°C/32°F to prolong battery lifespan. When temperatures fall below this limit, bring your battery inside for charging.

As temperatures drop, the air inside tires also condenses—resulting in a decrease in tire pressure. This can impact braking, traction, and stability. So, in cold conditions, you’ll have to quickly check and adjust tire pressure every two weeks.

3. How Can You Accessorize Your Electric Motorcycle for Winter Riding?

Here are some key add-ons that allow you to ride safely, comfortably, and confidently even in the most extreme weather conditions:

  • Winter tires offer exceptional grip and traction on snow, ice, or slush; they keep riders safer on the road, enabling them to brake, stop, and turn without worrying about skidding or sliding.
  • Metal snow chains provide greater control on slippery roads, keep motorcyclists from getting stuck in deep snow, and protect tires from wear on rough or frozen surfaces.
  • Windshields block out cold air, reduce wind noise, and protect from precipitation, flying debris, and strong winds.
  • Handguards improve handlebar grip and keep hands dry, warm, and protected in case of crashes.
  • Heated grips prevent hand numbness, helping riders to maintain optimal control of their bikes, react quickly, and enjoy longer and more comfortable winter trips.

4. What Should You Wear When Riding a Motorcycle in Cold Weather?

In wet, freezing, and windy winter weather, wearing proper riding gear is not just about comfort; it’s vital for safety.

  • A full-face helmet with an anti-fog visor protects the rider’s head, face, and jaw in the event of an accident; it also helps keep the face warm and prevents condensation on the visor to ensure clear visibility.
  • Waterproof, windproof, and reflective (or brightly colored) gear is essential to stay dry, shielded from strong winds, and visible on the road; try to attach reflective tape to your helmet, jacket, or boots to be more easily noticed by others on the road in low-light conditions.
  • Heated gear, such as jackets, socks, and pants, helps maintain a stable and comfortable body temperature; it protects from the biting cold and reduces the risk of health issues (e.g. hypothermia, pneumonia, frostbite).
  • Fleece or wool neck gaiters provide thermal insulation, keep the neck and face warm, and protect from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
  • Layers help retain body heat; you can add or remove layers as needed, but it’s normally recommended to go with a wool base layer (e.g. long-sleeved blouse), a lightweight mid-layer (e.g. fleece jacket, full-zip vest, sweater), and a wind-blocking/water-resistant outer layer (e.g. jacket).

5. What Winter Riding Techniques Can Help You Stay Safe on the Road?

Adapt your riding style to safely travel on icy, slippery, and wet winter roads.

  • Slow down and be cautious when stopping or making turns to avoid accidents.
  • Avoid abrupt turns or sudden movements that could potentially result in loss of control, falls, or head-on collisions.
  • Be gentle on the brakes to prevent skidding on icy surfaces; braking too hard or too soon can put riders at serious risk of injury.
  • Keep a safe distance from other vehicles to avoid rear-ending them; stopping distances are longer in winter weather (e.g. at a speed of 20 mph/32 km/h, it takes 393 feet/120 meters to stop).
  • Take breaks to warm up when necessary or if conditions become too dangerous; when you’re caught off guard by sudden changes in weather, stop and wait for conditions to improve.

Storing Your Electric Motorcycle for Winter

1. How Do You Prep Your Electric Motorcycle for Winter Storage?

By properly preparing your electric motorcycle for winter storage, you’ll keep it in optimal condition throughout its hibernation and avoid expensive repairs when it’s time to de-winterize it.

  • Clean the bike to remove any traces of dirt, salt, or other residue.
  • Rinse with low-pressure water, dry completely, and apply protective sprays to both painted and metal surfaces to prevent corrosion.
  • Inflate the tires and lift them off the cold ground to prevent flat spots; if the motorcycle stays on the ground, rotate the tires once a month.
  • Take off any electronic gadgets or components that may be sensitive to cold temperatures.
  • Choose a clean indoor storage location with stable humidity and temperature levels.
  • Use a good-quality cover to protect your motorcycle from moisture, dust, and sunlight.

2. Where Can You Store Your Electric Motorcycle During Winter?

Before making room in the garage to store your electric motorcycle for the winter, make sure the space is:

  • Climate-controlled, dry, and well-ventilated to prevent moisture build-up, rust, and mold.
  • Sealed tightly with no openings for rodents to sneak in and damage the wiring or other components.
  • Protected from direct sunlight, chemicals, and heavy objects that could tip over onto the electric motorcycle.
  • Well-cleaned and free from dust, grease, loose particles, and any other foreign elements.

If you don’t have access to a garage, find a covered parking area, rent a storage unit, or ask a friend with a garage if you can store your bike there. Just don’t leave your electric motorcycle outside in freezing temperatures, as it can cause permanent damage to the electrical system, corrode metal parts, and ruin tires, among other potential issues.

With a foldable electric motorcycle like the Ride Colibri M22, you won’t have to worry about finding a storage space anymore; bring it up to your apartment to keep it dry, safe, and at the right temperature.

3. What’s the Best Way to Store and Care for Your Battery?

Correctly storing and caring for your electric motorcycle’s battery is essential for preventing damage, especially during harsh winter weather. Here are some useful guidelines to follow:

  • Wipe the battery with a dry and clean cloth to remove any dust or dirt.
  • Make sure the battery is charged to a level between 50–60%.
  • Shield the battery from direct sunlight and heat sources (e.g. radiators).
  • Store the battery at the right temperature (59°F/15°C) and low humidity level (50%).
  • Check the battery for signs of corrosion every month; if the battery is stored in a cold environment, monitor the charge level to prevent deep discharges.

Remember to consult the user manual for specific battery care and charging instructions from your manufacturer before taking any advice.

4. Is It Okay to Start Your Electric Motorcycle While in Storage Mode?

The answer is yes, but only if you plan on riding it. Otherwise, there’s no need to start your electric motorcycle after it has been winterized and put into storage.

Waking the motorcycle up and letting it idle for a short time before putting it back to sleep won’t make it spring-ready; properly winterizing it will.

You can use a battery tender if you’re concerned about maintaining the battery’s charge level during the winter months.

5. How Should You De-Winterize Your Electric Motorcycle When Spring Arrives?

As the weather gets warmer and roads clear of snow and ice, it’s time to take your electric motorcycle out of storage and start riding again. Prior to setting off on your first ride of the season, be sure to check up on your bike:

  • Inspect for any signs of corrosion, wear, or damage (e.g. worn-out wiring, loose battery connections, electrical malfunctions).
  • Fully charge the battery before you reinstall it onto the motorcycle.
  • Check the tire pressure and inflate as needed.
  • Test the brakes to ensure that they’re responsive and not feeling spongy.
  • Turn on the headlights, taillights, and turn signals.

Try to take a short test ride to get reacquainted with your bike and be 100% sure that everything is in good condition.

Up for Year-Round Electric Rides?

Get yourself an electric motorcycle that allows you to ride all year long: Ride Colibri M22.

This practical bike is built with a strong headlight that offers optimal visibility on the road, features motorcycle disc brakes for excellent stopping power, and can be equipped with mudguards to help you stay clean and dry during winter rides.

But what if you need to store it during the off-season? No worries, simply fold and tuck the Ride Colibri M22 away in your apartment until you’re ready to get back on the road.

Want to get the right bike for winter or any other season? Get in touch with us! 💬






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